Table 1: RAMP vs Other Solutions
Criteria RAMP Lower business taxes and regulations Global trade revision Minimum wage Major Infrastructure program Education and training Controlling monopsony EITC Direct income grants
Size of Income Gains Delivered H L✱✱ L L L L L M H
Continuous Wage Raises Delivered H L M L L L H N/A N/A
Restrains Wage Inequality H L M M L M M N/A N/A
Aligns Shareholder Value to Include Workers H L M M L L M N/A N/A
Avoids Increasing Federal Debt H L H H L L H M L
Percent of RAMP added wage compensation the alternative program delivers in the 10th year 100% <10% <20% 15% <20% <15% <20% N/A✱✱✱ N/A
Full implementation of each alternative (as described in this document) is assumed. Increasing worker and union power is not include here as a solution because of the complexities of determining its results were it fully implemented (see the "Strengthening Worker and Union Power" discussion above).
✱✱H=High M=Moderate L=Low ✱✱✱N/A=Not Applicable because the program delivers income gains and not employer-paid wage gains